The Beginning Again

The Beginning Again

Hello again!

I unintentionally deleted the first iteration of this site without having anything backed up, (lesson learned) so now I get to start all over again!

To jump start it, here’s the ten most important things you should know about me and why this blog exists:

  1. My name is Salvatore A. Gulino, but you can call me Sal.
  2. I am a writer. Not an important one, or even a professional one (yet), but I am someone who writes.
  3. This blog was created to give structure to my writing schedule. It helps keep me on track.
  4. I seek to impress nobody with this blog. Many of the posts here may not exhibit exemplary writing.
  5. I am 21 years old.
  6. I am a student, but I major in nothing relating to Creative Writing.
  7. I am in the midst of writing a book, which had sat dormant for several years.
  8. I refer the aforementioned book as Laz (Lazarus) because I brought it back from the dead and I haven’t given it a proper name yet.
  9. My Writing is currently focused mainly on YA science fiction.
  10. That’s all, but I thought Ten sounded better than Nine.

So there you have it, a very vague description of what goes on here. Consider this post to be the cover of a book: something you shouldn’t judge the contents by, but probably can and definitely will. Follow along if you think you’re up for it. It’ll be interesting, of that I have no doubt.


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