I Hate Clickbait

I Hate Clickbait

I hate clickbait with a burning passion. Clickbait sites themselves are garbage, but its the titles of the “articles” that really get to me. They eliminate any sort of sensible decision making from a reader’s ability to choose what kind of media they want to consume, giving way to the mindless clicking that everyone seems to be doing now.

Can you imagine what it would be like if we named books like clickbait? All of the creative, funny, and downright epic book titles went away, and we were left with the internet’s pond scum instead.

He got an acceptance letter from wizard school. You won’t believe what happens next.


He found a ring in a cave, but the truth about it turned out to be horrifying!


You won’t believe the real reason this millionaire bought a mansion on Long Island.


She took her sister’s place at the reaping. What happens next will shock you!


11 places to eat green eggs and ham. #5 took my breath away!
It seems like the way things are going, it’s only a matter of time before all of our entertainment sinks to this level. I pray that I’m wrong.

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