Editing Update and Title Reveal!

Editing Update and Title Reveal!

Hello all! I have exciting editing news. This afternoon I finished the second draft of my current WIP, sometimes known as Laz here on the blog. I’m happy with how it’s improved since the first draft was completed more than a year ago. Here’s some information about it:

Age Group: Young Adult

Genre: Post Nuke Sci-Fi

Word Count: 71,560 (That’s 7,400 words longer than the first draft.)

Ok, it’s time for the title reveal. This book has had a number of different working titles over the course of its creation, and until now, none of them were very good. I was having a lot of difficulty capturing the themes in a single title. Then, when I finished the rough draft, I gave it a name that’s stuck:


I think it’s fitting, as it addresses several of the main themes of the story, as well as the fact that I haven’t given up on it since I wrote the first words 5 years ago. After all the changes, I’m excited to have a title that I actually like.

And now, I’ll go reward myself by reading.




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9 Replies to “Editing Update and Title Reveal!”

  1. Congratulations on giving this labor of love a title. In some ways it could be compared to naming a child. The labor of your love that you wish to give a name worthy of their individuality and encompass all their personality traits. Unfortunately these things are possible to know at the onset of their existence and waiting until adulthood would be awkward. Luckily, you have the option of seeing your work as a whole before deciding on a name. Well done getting to that point!!