Science Saturday 03/23

Science Saturday 03/23

Welcome to Science Saturday everyone. Here’s what happened this week: ScienceDaily: Methane Vents Scientists studying plumes of bubbles that rise from the seafloor off of the coast of Washington State have discovered that the vents follow a geologic fault line. Continuing to study the vents, of which there are as many as 17,000, researchers may …

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Querying is Hard

Querying is Hard

Querying is hard. Much harder than I thought it would be, in fact. There are a lot of materials to give prospective agents: A query letter, a synopsis, the first few chapters of a manuscript, and all of these have to be polished to perfection. Then, when you have all of these ready to go, …

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Science Saturday 03/16

Science Saturday 03/16

Welcome back to Science Saturday everyone. Here’s what happened in the world of science this week: Science Magazine: 5G Could Impact Weather Forecasting The FCC just auctioned off a spectrum of radio frequency to be used for 5G communication. The problem is that communications traffic in one segment of this spectrum could compromise weather satellites’ …

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Technology in Sci-fi Discussion #4: Robotics

Technology in Sci-fi Discussion #4: Robotics

The development of robots has been a game-changer across a wide variety of industries. But before robots ever became an integral part of our world, they were imagined by sci-fi writers to be incredibly sophisticated machines often equipped with artificial intelligence (Click here for the previous Technology Discussion on AI). In this technology discussion, we’ll …

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Hello everyone. There will be no science Saturday today. I put all my available time this week into Deathless, so all three of the posts I had scheduled for this week got put on hold. Expect some cool stuff next week though. Speaking of Deathless though, I have some big news: It’s finished. Like, completely …

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Science Saturday: 03/02

Science Saturday: 03/02

Welcome to this week’s Science Saturday everyone. Let’s jump right in and see what happened this week: ScienceDaily: Spider silk could be used as robot muscles. Researchers working with spider silk, which is already known to have an exteremely high tensile strength, have found that the silk produces a strong twisting motion when exposed to …

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Writing time is a fragile thing for me. I often have the attention span of a goldfish, so any small distraction is liable to turn a solid chunk of time that I’ve set aside for writing into something else entirely. I hesitate to say “wasted time,” but if we’re being honest, that’s often what it …

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Why YA?

Why YA?

A few weeks ago, I wrote this post about the Dark Side of YA. Since then, I’ve been asked why I write YA if the community is so toxic. I’ll address that now. The Short answer to this issue is: The community isn’t really toxic, it’s a very vocal minority of its members that give …

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Science Saturday 02/23

Science Saturday 02/23

Welcome to Science Saturday. I don’t like it when I don’t post in between Saturdays, but I’m giving Deathless all of my writerly attention right now. There’s plenty going on outside of writing, too. Anyway, here’s what happened this week in the world of science:   Science Magazine: FarFarOut Astronomers searching for Planet Nine recently discovered our …

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Science Saturday 02/16

Science Saturday 02/16

Welcome to another Science Saturday. Here’s the scoop from this week. The Cluttered Desk: Opportunity (is that allowed?) This week, NASA pulled the plug on Opportunity, The project that operated a rover on the surface of Mars for 14 years. If you missed my post about it yesterday, follow the link above.   ScienceNews: LIGO …

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