

On Wednesday, NASA announced that they have officially ended the Opportunity program, after again failing to establish communication with the rover on Tuesday night. The rover lost contact with Earth on June 10th, 2018. Opportunity was a golf-cart sized rover that was sent to Mars in 2004 to collect geological data pertaining to Mars’s hydrologic …

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Progress and Not Writing

Progress and Not Writing

Here’s an update on my progress towards draft III of Deathless. Since I finished my reread of Draft II, I’ve been slowly making the corrections and improvements that I think the book needs. A little insider information that some of you might find interesting: Since I found that the majority of the book (everything except the beginning) …

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Science Saturday 02/09

Science Saturday 02/09

Happy weekend everybody, and welcome to Science Saturday. Here’s the scoop for this week. National Geographic: Milky Way Vs. Andromeda Postponed We’ve known for a long time (since 1912ish) that the Andromeda Galaxy will eventually collide with the Milky Way Galaxy, but the timetable has been changed since the ESA’s Gaia spacecraft gathered new data …

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The Dark Side of the YA Community

The Dark Side of the YA Community

The world can be a cruel place. Last week, another sad story from the YA community made the rounds on the internet, Amélie Wen Zhao, would-be author of a new YA fantasy series, was bullied by overzealous social activists into pulling the first book of the series, Blood Heir, from publication just months before its …

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Science Saturday: 02/02

Science Saturday: 02/02

Hello everyone, welcome to Science Saturday. Here’s what we’ve learned this week:   LiveScience: Supernovas Are Hot A team of scientists studing supernova 1987a, the closest and most recent supernova to Earth since the invention of the telescope, are now using x-rays to observe the dying star’s emissions. The result? Supernovas are really cool. Not …

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Reread 2

Reread 2

So I’ve finished my proofreading of Deathless draft 2, and I’m pleasantly surprised at what I’ve found. It’s not terrible. In fact, it’s pretty good. That might seem a little underwhelming, but some of you might remember the result of my reread of the first draft. t looked something like this: I made much fewer annotations …

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Science Saturday 01/26

Science Saturday 01/26

Welcome to Science Saturday. Let’s Begin: Science Magazine: RIP Opportunity (Probably) Massive dust storms in 2018 blocked out the sun over NASA’s Opportunity rover, limiting the rover’s solar cell output, and draining the batteries. It also likely coated the solar cells with dust, so that they have not produced power for the rover, even though …

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Rereading Again

Rereading Again

Today, I picked up Deathless again for the first time since I finished draft 2. I’ve let it sit long enough, and it’s time to approach it again with a fresh perspective. The first step of this process is to print out the draft. This is the fun part: There it is in its entirety. …

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Science Saturday 01/20

Science Saturday 01/20

Hello again, and welcome to another Science Saturday. Let’s begin: NewScientist: #TenYearChallenge The Ten Year Challenge has been trending on social media this week. It involves posting side-by-side pictures of yourself, taken ten years apart. NewScientist made a science edition of the challenge, featuring a few scientific photos taken ten years apart. My favorite is …

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Technology in Sci-fi Discussion #3: AI

Technology in Sci-fi Discussion #3: AI

Artificial Intelligence has occupied humanity’s interest  for quite some time now. As thinkers, imaginers, innovators, and dreamers, we just can’t help but wonder about the extent of our own ability to create. To some, the concept of AI is scary, and to others it is an exciting challenge to pursue. Regardless of which camp you …

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